Table of Contents

Business Router API



Force push of a business event message "WalletCreated" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletcreated
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletCreatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WalletUpdated" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletupdated
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletUpdatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "IbanDeleted" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletibandeleted
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletIbanDeletedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WalletAttributesUpdated" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletattributesupdated
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletAttributesUpdatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "TransactionInitialized" on business bus

POST /bypass/transactioninitialized
Name Type Default Notes
*body TransactionInitializedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "TransactionConfirmed" on business bus

POST /bypass/transactionconfirmed
Name Type Default Notes
*body TransactionConfirmedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "TransactionCompleted" on business bus

POST /bypass/transactioncompleted
Name Type Default Notes
*body TransactionCompletedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "StoreCreated" on business bus

POST /bypass/storecreated
Name Type Default Notes
*body StoreCreatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "StoreUpdated" on business bus

POST /bypass/storeupdated
Name Type Default Notes
*body StoreUpdatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "StoreDeleted" on business bus

POST /bypass/storedeleted
Name Type Default Notes
*body StoreDeletedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "TransactionsCancelled" on business bus

POST /bypass/transactionscancelled
Name Type Default Notes
*body TransactionsCancelledBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "OperationGroupInitialized" on business bus

POST /bypass/operationgroupinitialized
Name Type Default Notes
*body OperationGroupInitializedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "OperationGroupConfirmed" on business bus

POST /bypass/operationgroupconfirmed
Name Type Default Notes
*body OperationGroupConfirmedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "OperationGroupCancelled" on business bus

POST /bypass/operationgroupcancelled
Name Type Default Notes
*body OperationGroupCancelledBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WalletSuspended" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletsuspended
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletSuspendedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WalletReactivated" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletreactivated
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletReactivatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WalletClosed" on business bus

POST /bypass/walletclosed
Name Type Default Notes
*body WalletClosedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WireTransferCompleted" on business bus

POST /bypass/wiretransfercompleted
Name Type Default Notes
*body WireTransferCompletedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "WireTransferFailed" on business bus

POST /bypass/wiretransferfailed
Name Type Default Notes
*body WireTransferFailedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "MoveFundsCompleted" on business bus

POST /bypass/movefundscompleted
Name Type Default Notes
*body MoveFundsCompletedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "MoveFundsFailed" on business bus

POST /bypass/movefundsfailed
Name Type Default Notes
*body MoveFundsFailedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "OperationConfirmed" on business bus

POST /bypass/operationconfirmed
Name Type Default Notes
*body OperationConfirmedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Force push of a business event message "BucketCreated" on business bus

POST /bypass/bucketcreated
Name Type Default Notes
*body BucketCreatedBusinessEvent

Request containing the business event

Status Code Type Description Samples

Returns confirmation

400 ErrorModel

Operation is not allowed outside of Development and Testing environments

403 ErrorModel

Cannot force events of a different Partner

422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content



Get current platform diagnostics data

GET /diagnostics/info
Status Code Type Description Samples
200 DiagnosticsResponse

Diagnostics data

400 ErrorModel

Bad Request

403 ErrorModel


422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content


Get status of current microservice features

GET /diagnostics/features
Status Code Type Description Samples
200 FeaturesStatusResponse

Diagnostic and features availability data

400 ErrorModel

Bad Request

403 ErrorModel


422 ErrorModel

Unprocessable Content



Business event message for "WalletCreated"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Tax id of owner of wallet

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner e-mail

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Date of closure of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Name Type Notes
errorCode string
errorDescription string
errorProperties object


Business event message for "WalletUpdated"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Owner tax id

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

iban string

Owner IBAN

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner email

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Closure date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WalletIbanDeleted"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Owner tax id

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner email

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Date of closure of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WalletAttributesUpdated"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Tax id of owner of wallet

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

iban string

Owner IBAN

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner e-mail

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Closure date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

addressStreet string

Street of residence

addressNumber string

Street number

zipCode string

City postal code

city string

City of residence

province string

Province of residence

country string

Country of residence

hasResidenceDataChanged boolean

If true at least one residence data field was updated

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "TransactionInitialized"

Name Type Notes
partnerKey string

Key of partner associated with transaction

dealerKey string

Key of dealer associated with transaction

walletId string (uuid)

Reference to wallet

storeId string (uuid)

Optional identifier of store where transaction is executed

operationType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

amount number (double)

Amount of transaction

income boolean

Is income operation ("true" => money that increment wallet amount, "false" => money that decrement)

operationId string (uuid)

Identifier of operation (inside CoreWalleting) associated with current transaction

transactionId integer (int64)

Transaction Id

transactionType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

partySubject string

Data associated with transaction (ex. IBAN source of SCT that recharges the wallet)

reason string

StoreReconciliation data associated with transaction

fees OperationFeeDto[]

List of fees associated to the transaction

initializationDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of initialization of operation (ex. when a deposit is requested by customer)

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


List of fees associated to the transaction

Name Type Notes
amount number (double)

Amount of the fee

beneficiary string

Beneficiary of current fee (bank account where the fee amount will be moved)

debtor string

Debtor of current fee (bank account that will pay the fees)


Business event message for "TransactionConfirmed"

Name Type Notes
confirmationDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of confirm of operation (ex. when a deposit is confirmed by customer)

partnerKey string

Key of partner associated with transaction

dealerKey string

Key of dealer associated with transaction

walletId string (uuid)

Reference to wallet

storeId string (uuid)

Optional identifier of store where transaction is executed

operationType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

amount number (double)

Amount of transaction

income boolean

Is income operation ("true" => money that increment wallet amount, "false" => money that decrement)

operationId string (uuid)

Identifier of operation (inside CoreWalleting) associated with current transaction

transactionId integer (int64)

Transaction Id

transactionType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

partySubject string

Data associated with transaction (ex. IBAN source of SCT that recharges the wallet)

reason string

StoreReconciliation data associated with transaction

fees OperationFeeDto[]

List of fees associated to the transaction

initializationDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of initialization of operation (ex. when a deposit is requested by customer)

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "TransactionCompleted"

Name Type Notes
completionDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of completion of operation (ex. when a deposit is completed in core banking)

accountId string

AccountId of core banking (ex. Temenos) where this transaction is credited

accountingId string

Identifier of transaction on remote core banking (ex. when Temenos gives us its operation identifier that is completed on NTR)

externalReference string

External reference used for register P1 transaction on core banking

accountingDate string (date-time)

Date/time of accounting on core banking

confirmationDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of confirm of operation (ex. when a deposit is confirmed by customer)

partnerKey string

Key of partner associated with transaction

dealerKey string

Key of dealer associated with transaction

walletId string (uuid)

Reference to wallet

storeId string (uuid)

Optional identifier of store where transaction is executed

operationType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

amount number (double)

Amount of transaction

income boolean

Is income operation ("true" => money that increment wallet amount, "false" => money that decrement)

operationId string (uuid)

Identifier of operation (inside CoreWalleting) associated with current transaction

transactionId integer (int64)

Transaction Id

transactionType string

Type of operation (deposit, payment, fee, etc)

partySubject string

Data associated with transaction (ex. IBAN source of SCT that recharges the wallet)

reason string

StoreReconciliation data associated with transaction

fees OperationFeeDto[]

List of fees associated to the transaction

initializationDate string (date-time)

Date/time (UTC) of initialization of operation (ex. when a deposit is requested by customer)

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "StoreCreated"

Name Type Notes
storeId string (uuid)

Store identifier

dealerKey string

Dealer key

partnerKey string

Partner key

name string

Name of store

city string

City where store is located

address string

Address of store

accountId string

Account id on core banking for store

email string

Email for contact store

phoneNumber string

Phone number for contact store

code string

Code of store (for external reference)

latitude number (double)

Latitude of the store (optional)

longitude number (double)

Longitude of the store (optional)

isActive boolean

Is store active

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Date/time of last update

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "StoreUpdated"

Name Type Notes
storeId string (uuid)

Store identifier

dealerKey string

Dealer key

partnerKey string

Partner key

name string

Name of store

city string

City where store is located

address string

Address of store

accountId string

Account id on core banking for store

email string

Email for contact store

phoneNumber string

Phone number for contact store

code string

Code of store (for external reference)

latitude number (double)

Latitude of the store (optional)

longitude number (double)

Longitude of the store (optional)

isActive boolean

Is store active

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Date/time of last update

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "StoreDeleted"

Name Type Notes
storeId string (uuid)

Store identifier

dealerKey string

Dealer key

partnerKey string

Partner key

name string

Name of store

city string

City where store is located

address string

Address of store

accountId string

Account id on core banking for store

email string

Email for contact store

phoneNumber string

Phone number for contact store

code string

Code of store (for external reference)

latitude number (double)

Latitude of the store (optional)

longitude number (double)

Longitude of the store (optional)

isActive boolean

Is store active

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Date/time of last update

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "TransactionsCancelled"

Name Type Notes
transactionId integer (int64)

Transaction identifier

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

operationId string (uuid)

Operation identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

dealerKey string

Dealer key

storeId string (uuid)

Store identifier

transactionType string

Transaction type (CashDeposit, Payment, etc)

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation of record of transaction

amount number (double)

Amount of transaction

income boolean

Income (true) or outcome (false)

initializationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of initialization of transaction

parentId integer (int64)

Identifier of parent transaction (null is the main transaction)

operationCancellationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of cancellation of the main operation

operationExpirationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of expiration of the main operation

accountId string

Account id (on Core Banking) were transaction is recoinciled

accountingId string

Identifier of transaction on core banking

partySubject string

Party subject

reason string


fees OperationFeeDto[]

Fees associated to the cancelled transaction

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "OperationGroupInitialized"

Name Type Notes
operationGroupId string (uuid)

Operation group identifier

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

dealerKey string

Dealer key

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "OperationGroupConfirmed"

Name Type Notes
operationGroupId string (uuid)

Operation group identifier

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

dealerKey string

Dealer key

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

confirmationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of confirmation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "OperationGroupCancelled"

Name Type Notes
operationGroupId string (uuid)

Operation group identifier

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

dealerKey string

Dealer key

creationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of creation

cancellationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of cancellation

expiryDate string (date-time)

Date/time of expiration

terminationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of termination

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WalletSuspended"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Owner tax id

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

iban string

Owner IBAN

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner email

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Date of closure of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WalletReactivated"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Owner tax id

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

iban string

Owner IBAN

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner email

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Date of closure of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WalletClosed"

Name Type Notes
walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

taxId string

Tax id of owner of wallet

firstName string

Owner first name

lastName string

Owner last name

iban string

Owner IBAN

phoneNumber string

Owner phone number

email string

Owner e-mail

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of wallet

closureDate string (date-time)

Closure date of wallet

lastUpdateDate string (date-time)

Last update of wallet

lastUsageDate string (date-time)

Last usage of wallet

suspensionDate string (date-time)

Date of suspension of wallet

reactivationDate string (date-time)

Date of reactivation of wallet

originatingDealerKey string

Responsible dealer for wallet creation

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WireTransferCompleted"

Name Type Notes
partnerKey string

Key of partner

dealerKey string

Key of dealer

accountingId string

Identifier of transaction on core banking

accountId string

Account identier that is used to credit money (ex. "wallets account" in case of CashDeposit, "store account" in case of Payment, etc.)

endToEndReference string

Identifier used to connect P1 operation with core banking (ex. T24) movements of funds

completionDate string (date-time)

Date/time of completion of move funds on core banking

debitCurrency string

Currency used

beneficiaryIBAN string

Credit IBAN

executionDate string (date-time)

Date of execution of the payment

debitAccountId string

Debit account

accountWithBankBIC string

BIC of the credit IBAN

orderingCustomerBic string

BIC of the ordering account

debitAccountIBAN string

Debtor IBAN

beneficiaryName string

Name associated to the credit IBAN

transactionAmount string

Amount sent

paymentCurrency string

Currency used for the payment

paymentOrderProductId string

Product identifier associated to the payment

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "WireTransferFailed"

Name Type Notes
partnerKey string

Key of partner

dealerKey string

Key of dealer

endToEndReference string

Identifier used to connect P1 operation with core banking (ex. T24) movements of funds

beneficiaryIBAN string

Credit IBAN

orderingCustomerBic string

BIC of the ordering account

debitAccountIBAN string

Debtor IBAN

beneficiaryName string

Name associated to the credit IBAN

transactionAmount number (double)

Amount sent

paymentCurrency string

Currency used for the payment


Status code of the failed response

reasonPhrase string

Reason of the failure as described by the Core Banking

failureDate string (date-time)

Date of the failure

body string

Raw body sent back from the Core Banking

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Name Type Notes
partnerKey string

Key of partner

dealerKey string

Key of dealer

operationId string (uuid)

Identifier of operation

accountingId string

Identifier of transaction on core banking

accountId string

Account identier that is used to credit money (ex. "wallets account" in case of CashDeposit, "store account" in case of Payment, etc.)

externalReference string

Identifier used to connect P1 operation with core banking (ex. T24) movements of funds

operationType string

Type of operation (ex. CashDeposit, Payment)

completionDate string (date-time)

Date/time of completion of move funds on core banking

accountingDate string (date-time)

Date/time of accounting on core banking NOTE: this date is also known as "BookingDate"

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Name Type Notes
operationId string (uuid)

Identifier of operation

partnerKey string

Key of partner

dealerKey string

Key of dealer

operationType string

Type of operation (ex. CashDeposit, Payment)

externalReference string

Identifier used to connect P1 operation with core banking (ex. T24) movements of funds

debitAccountId string

Account identifier that is used to debit money (ex. "store account" in case of CashDeposit, "wallet account" in case of Payment, etc.)

creditAccountId string

Account identifier that is used to credit money (ex. "wallets account" in case of CashDeposit, "store account" in case of Payment, etc.)


Http response status code

reasonPhrase string

Failure reson decription (from T24)

body string

Raw response body

failureDate string (date-time)

Date of operation failure

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "OperationConfirmed"

Name Type Notes
partnerKey string

Partner key

dealerKey string

Dealer key

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet identifier

operationId string (uuid)

Unique identifier of operation

storeId string (uuid)

Store (required only for operations in stores)

operationType string

Type of operation

operationCreationDate string (date-time)

Creation date of operation (required)

operationConfirmationDate string (date-time)

Date/time of confirmation

operationGroupId string (uuid)

Binding Operation Group Id

amount number (double)

Amount of operation

fees OperationFeeDto[]

List of applied fees (required)

walletAvailableBalance number (double)

Available balance on wallet;

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Business event message for "BucketCreated"

Name Type Notes
bucketId string (uuid)

Bucket identifier

partnerKey string

Partner key

walletId string (uuid)

Wallet that owns the Bucket

availableBalance number (double)

Available balance on the Bucket

creationDate string (date-time)

Creation date

lastIncomingDate string (date-time)

Date of last incoming amount (i.e. IN Operations) to the Bucket

lastOutgoingDate string (date-time)

Date of last outgoing amount (i.e. OUT Operations) to the Bucket

isWithdrawable boolean

Marks if the balance of the Bucket can be Withdrawn

messageVersion integer (int32)

Version of current event message (ex. 1)

messagePublisher string

Publisher name (ex. "P1")

timestamp string (date-time)

Date/time of message creation *** NOTE: Field used for compatibility with Flowe Ecosystem. For future versions, please use "MessageCreationDate" ***

id string (uuid)
messageCreationDate string (date-time)
messagePublishDate string (date-time)
isLastRetry boolean


Response for platform diagnostics

Name Type Notes
applicationName string

Application name

applicationVersion string

Application version

environment string

Environment name


Name Type Notes
serviceData DiagnosticsResponse[]

Service diagnostic details

featuresStatus FeatureAvailability[]

Status of all service features


Status of all service features

Name Type Notes
name string
isAvailable boolean